

With the little you have, aren’t you

With the much I percievably lack, am I not blessed?
Some get cut into pieces by a bloody knife
Others fall by the wayside shouldering life’s strife

Still fledgling, I reminisce like I’m 70 way back that semester

I have learnt a lesson in disguise though so sinister
Perhaps some leave the scene to pursue greener pastures and substance
Others get victimised by unforseen circumstance
One “dropped-out” to go study abroad, to him it was Jubilation
Another dropped-out because he lost his sponsor and Father, to him it was depression

Life is far from a merry-go-round

Cutting like a see-saw, hope can still rebound
Never forget as the sun rises here
It suffers fall elsewhere
Be grateful for what you have
Even as you keep hope alive for what’s coming in beehives.

Written by Frank Ejeagbasi (2013)